RP Sanjiv Goenka Group


Pre-registration Process

Automating the estimation check from third-party system and generating capability for website integration

Bot Profile



Robotic Process Automation



Patient Experience


cost to Close


Improved patient experience
Increased pre-service collection
Increased productivity

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    Problem Statement

    The pre-registration staff is overwhelmed with calls needed to collect patient estimates and confirm appointments. The manual process to check estimates lead to inefficiencies, multiple touchpoints and lower preservice collection rates.


    Pre-registration CoBots help gather patient estimates enabling the customer engagement website, facilitate preservice collection and appointment confirmation.

    Tech Specs

    4 digital workers are scheduled to work on multiple parts of pre-registration to estimation process namely Discern Reports, Estimate Extraction and Patient Info Update.


    Discern Report Bot pulls 12 files from the client healthcare application for the new set of appointments in the next 30 days. The Bot navigates to Discern report portal under client’s Healthcare where it selects the location group, appointment group and the date to download the respective files to a shared location.

    Estimate Extraction Bot extracts the data from the eCareNext application based on certain validations and conditional checks. The Bot pulls the information for a patient based on Financial Identification Number(FIN) and carries out rule based validation which is required to pull out an estimate and provide the right result code. The extracted data is put in a tab separated text file to be shared with clients at a shared location.

    Patient Info Update Bot reads the input shared by clients from a shared location. Based on the input bot performs demographic and encounter level update. The bot uses the information from input file to update various fields under GPR update portal of Emory Healthcare application.

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