RP Sanjiv Goenka Group

Distributed Operating Model for customer service​

Design the customer experience of the future


Supporting volatile demand or seasonal peaks in the new normal demands seamless agility and scalability. Our Distributed Operating Model merges an in-contact-center approach with the work-at-home (WAH) model for exceptional customer experience outcomes. It allows you to deploy skilled associates at short notice along with the right technologies and data security standards, ensuring rigorous information security.

Stay ahead with Firstsource

Recruit better talent across geographies

Ramp up and down easily

Ensure business continuity

Minimize physical footprint and go green

Improve productivity & retention

Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty

UK-based media and broadcasting company boosts associate productivity by 10% with work-at-home model

How we do it

Remote management of the end-to-end operating cycle

from associate recruitment, training and development to technology deployment, workflow management and scheduling, and monitoring and analysis – across a range of front and back office processes.

Attract, recruit and train people virtually

around the globe, including the UK, the US, India and the Philippines, building tenured, high performing teams aligned to your exacting requirements.

Lifestyle scheduling

for associates, supporting a mix of shift options, including full and part time as well as split shifts.

Our clients​

Banking and insurance​

Telecom and media


A distributed operating model for customer service

Explore insights

Moving customer service operations to an at-home model

Delivering improved revenue recovery for a leading US financial services company

Managing debt recovery & customer experience for the world’s largest card issuer

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