RP Sanjiv Goenka Group

A guide to transitioning to a Digital Collections model

American businessman P.T. Barnum once remarked that “There is scarcely a thing that weighs people down more than debt.” Consider the plight of a debtor in default. It costs sleep, self-esteem and tarnishes the future.

What if there was a way to engage consumers in a positive context, then set them on a path where they could resolve their obligations on terms comfortable to them? Better yet, what if they remained a customer out of appreciation for the way they were treated and the opportunity to set things right?

This guide provides insights into:

  • A human-centric, intelligent approach to collections
  • Building narratives that lead to successful outcomes
  • Customizing the customer journey using technology

Learn more about the game-changing concept — revolutionizing debt collection. It is humane and it works.

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