RP Sanjiv Goenka Group

The business case for using insourced teams in contact centres

Managing persistent staffing challenges is an everyday reality for contact centre leaders

Fluctuating call volume – perhaps over a weekend or the end of the month

Temporary spikes in demand, e.g. from new products, regulations or just seasonal

Temporary spikes in demand, e.g. from new products, regulations or just seasonal

SLA impact of using insourced teams

Insourced teams can help contact centres optimise scheduling, but many leaders worry about poor quality and SLA performance. With the right partner who is willing to be accountable for outcomes, insourced teams can improve contact centre performance. Here’s how:


Regularly outperforming in-house teams in areas such as recruitment speed and efficiency, call efficiency, and hygiene factors such as absenteeism and schedule adherence


Helping you fill your schedules, ensuring KPIs like average waiting time and call abandonment stay low at busy periods and during unsocial hours


Providing competition and benchmarking to internal teams across all metrics


Hitting target benchmarks in customer satisfaction and growth measures

  • Insourced teams outperform inhouse teams
  • Insourced teams have positive impact on centre
  • Insourced teams hit benchmark targets
  • Limited scope for impact
Deliver value to the organisation
Reduce costs
Workforce management
Time to hire
Hiring accuracy/ quality
People management
Schedule adherence
Agent absenteeism
Forecasting and scheduling
Average speed of answer
Average time in queue
Operational efficiency
Call efficiency
Call wrap-up time
Average handle time
Cost avoidance
Call avoidance
Self-service prompting
Self-service usage
First call resolution
First call resolution
Grow revenue
Customer service
Service efficiency
Percentage of calls blocked
Call abandonment rate
Call answering time
Average waiting time
Customer satisfaction
Call quality
Customer satisfaction/NPS
Revenue per customer
Customer base
Save rate


Greater flexibility – and agility

More consistent SLA performance

Higher customer satisfaction and retention

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